Posted on 05/02/2021
By: Sean Crose
Keishla Marlen Rodriguez, who Puerto Rican authorities claim had been romantically involved with welterweight Felix Verdejo, was found dead this weekend. “On Sunday, authorities confirmed that the body of a woman found floating in Laguna San Jose Saturday was Rodriguez,” the New York Post writes. “Authorities are now pushing to obtain cell phone records for both the boxer and Rodriguez.” Law enforcement paid Verdejo a visit on Thursday, when it was reported the 27 year old Rodriguez went missing, but the fighter, also 27, refused to answer questions without the presence of a lawyer. Rodriguiez’ family says she disappeared after seeing Verdejo in order to tell him she was pregnant.

Verdejo fights under the Top Rank banner. He was last in action this past December, when he was stopped in the ninth round by Masayoshi Nakatani. Top Rank has subsequently made a statement to the public regarding the story: “Top Rank’s thoughts and prayers are with Keishla Marlen Rodriguez Ortiz’s family and friends, and with all those in mourning. We are deeply disturbed by the news reports, and we will continue to monitor developments in the case as it progresses.” The fact that authorities have questioned Verdejo, yet haven’t charged the fighter with anything, places the promotional outlet in a difficult position.
The International Business Times quotes Rodriguez’ mother as saying: “He (Verdejo)was threatening her not to have her baby. We are very happy because it is her first baby. We were happy with the news that she was going to be a mom. She told him, calm down, I will have her baby, you don’t have to recognize it. My baby’s name my last name, calm down. I’m not going to bother you. And he told her no, that he is a public figure, that he boxing.”
According to the International Business Times, it’s been “reported that the police also spotted a Dodge Durango SUV, similar to the one that Verdejo owns, in the surveillance video taken on Thursday morning of the bridge over the lagoon.”
Verdejo is married to a woman other than Rodriguez, who he has a daughter with.