Thomas Stalker
GB Boxing Olympic captain
It is a circus. But I’ll watch it. Don’t hate, enjoy, I suppose.
Lisa Whiteside
Commonwealth Games gold medallist
Mayweather vs Logan Paul on Sky Box Office is a bit of a circus event. It may well get good numbers but as a boxing purist I don’t feel it shows what our sport is all about. Turning boxing into WWE is a shame when there are so many dedicated boxers out there struggling to get a break.
Mickey Helliet
Boxing manager
Sky Sports is a commercial entity. Who can blame them for cashing in on the Mayweather-Paul circus? The only question they will be asking themselves is how many suckers are out there who will pay for this freak show? Unfortunately the answer is likely to be a resounding ‘many’.

Declan Taylor
Sports reporter
Honestly, I’m beyond caring about these weird fights now. I don’t think they really do any damage and I don’t think they do any good either. But if it makes Sky a few quid and convinces them to stay in boxing overall then that’s certainly a plus.