When and why you started boxing:
I started boxing quite late, at 16 years old. A boxing trainer came to my gym, Graham Earl. He took me on the pads. My home life wasn’t the best, where Graham Earl was showing me a bit of love, he gave me this attention. I don’t know, I couldn’t enough of it.
Favourite all-time fighter:
I love Johnny Tapia, Sugar Ray Robinson and Tony Zale.
Best fight you’ve seen:
Probably Hearns vs Hagler for me.
Personal career highlight:
I started boxing late but I won national titles, I represented my country. I was on GB so it’s quite hard to say one because I’ve had so many good times. Starting boxing’s my career highlight. Boxing has done wonders for me.
Toughest opponent:
I boxed a Kazakh [Abilkhan Amankul, the World silver medallist, over five rounds in the World Series of Boxing]. I took it on a day’s notice and I wasn’t even fit. I did alright. It proved I was up there and I could mix it at world level.
Best and worst attributes as a boxer:
I’m very well rounded. I’ve proved I can box. I never shy away from a fight. I can adapt. My worst used to be getting involved too much instead of just making it easy. Box easy, win easy instead of standing there having a 50/50 fight.
Training tip:
Sometimes less is more. Don’t overthink it and trust in your ability.
Favourite meal/restaurant:
There’s not one food I dislike. I haven’t got one typical meal. I love a roast dinner but I love a cup of tea and a biscuit. I could sit there all day long eating biscuits.
Best friends in boxing:
Boxing is a very strong community. With boxing they’re all good lads, I can’t fault anyone. One person who comes to mind is Joe Laws.
Who would play you in a film of your life:
I can’t say an actor but I can relate to an artist. I love country music and Hank Williams. I can relate to so many of his lyrics, [about] trauma, drink, alcohol, bitterness, it all stems from his songs because his songs are real life. Very real and genuine and relatable.
Last time you cried:
About four or five months back. I had a hard time with my dad growing up. He ruined the whole family through alcohol. I became civil with him. He rang me and said he wants help. It was the first time he admitted that he had a problem and that was a big step.
Best advice received:
Be present and take what comes. Be a good person and be nice to people and you can’t go wrong.
Worst rumour about yourself:
I haven’t really had any negative stuff. I keep around good people. There are probably rumours out there but I don’t know.
Something not many people know about you:
I’ve got nothing to hide. I am what I am.