Matthew Macklin
Former European champ
I have no idea. Saturday night for me was a shocker. I thought they got it wrong. 99.9% of people had it for Catterall, even if they had it closer. You have to look at Ian John-Lewis’ card and think what fight were you watching? The judges should have soundproofed ear muffs on so they hear absolutely nothing at all.
Paul Smith
Former British champion
Make judges answerable to the press, have a panel review any decision that’s objected to and ask the judges to explain their decisions behind closed doors. Ian John-Lewis genuinely believed Catterall only won four rounds? That is horrendous scoring and something needs to be done by the Board.
Mickey Helliet
Boxing manager
If judges are not made accountable boxing will suffer irreparably. Judging will always be subjective but if they come up with vastly different decisions to what common sense tells us, they should be suspended the same as any other profession.
Declan Taylor
Sports reporter
They cannot overturn the result now because it would set a very dangerous precedent but each judge should be asked to explain why they scored every round the way they did. Ian John-Lewis only gave Catterall four rounds – why?
Matthew Macklin
I don’t think it’s effective but I’m also not sure what the alternative is. I think there has to be something different but it’s something that has to be sat down and thrashed out, over several meetings of opinions and throwing ideas out there.
Paul Smith
There’s ways of cheating every system. We need judges with morals and dignity. Judges who value the opinions of their peers and who can explain their cards and stand by their decisions. Experienced judges who know how to score a fight and aren’t swayed.
Mickey Helliet
If judges are competent, honest and experienced enough to understand and incorporate the influence of home crowds into their decision making then the system should work. Unfortunately too many people are losing faith and boxing desperately needs to address this.
Declan Taylor
Everyone can see it is totally and utterly ineffective in just about every way. It opens the door for errors and ‘robberies’ like no other, and for the most part the average fan has no real idea how it works. What’s the alternative though? We are stuck with it.