Garcia: Bivol didn’t beat Canelo because he’s bigger, he won because he’s better


In this video interview with Fight Hype, Ryan Garcia chats a little bit about his good ol’ friend Canelo Alvarez who is most recently coming off a clear decision loss to Dmitry Bivol in another light heavyweight world title bid. Here Garcia gives Canelo credit for having the gumption to make the attempt, but believes Bivol is just too much for Canelo, even if they square off another time in the future.

Garcia on what he thought of Canelo’s fight against Bivol

“Very honorable that he got in there with a guy that’s much bigger and he took that risk but I will say that I don’t Canelo lost because they guy was bigger, I thought he lost because the guy’s better. Technical and boxing-wise, I think he just fought a very great fight, and he was the better man. I think he would beat (Canelo) again.”

On if he was surprised to see Bivol handle Canelo in such fashion considering he sent a lot of time with Canelo in the gym and has seen him spar much bigger fighters before

“I was surprised how calm Bivol was the whole time around. But he’s not an emotional fighter, and that’s what you have to be — a non-emotional fighter — and he knew even if he just won it’s a big statement. He doesn’t have to get the knockout, he fought really well.”

On what he’ll take from his time training with Team Canelo

“Being calm, being consistent in the gym, and carrying yourself a certain way as a champion…I give credit where credit’s due, it’s just we had some differences. I’m a man, I don’t mind him saying whatever he had to say but, he said his piece, I said my piece, and I hope the best for him. Him and Eddy, te quiero mucho. Seriously.”

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