On This Day: Mickey Hughes lands one of the best left hooks you’ll ever see to KO Gary Jacobs


Gary Jacobs
Mickey Hughes and Gary Jacobs wage war in a small hall classic

October 17, 1990; York Hall, London
IN a rip-roaring British welterweight bout staged inside the appropriate surrounds of York Hall in Bethnal Green, Mickey Hughes and Gary Jacobs produced an oft-forgotten classic. The commentators don’t appear to recognise the trainer leading Jacobs to the ring several years before Teddy Atlas became boxing royalty. In the opposite corner was a coach whose legend was already long established, the one and only George Francis. Jacobs, a sublime boxer at his best, built a lead that Hughes – nursing injuries to both eyes – wiped out with one of the best left hooks you’ll ever see. Thrown in-close as the Scot is crouching, the point of impact is impeccably judged by Hughes. Jacobs collapses in a heap.   

DID YOU KNOW? Eddie Hearn recently said on Twitter that this was the best fight he’d seen take place at York Hall.   

WATCH OUT FOR: Co-commentator Jim McDonnell constantly reminding viewers that Hughes had the power to end it at any time. He struggles to disguise his satisfaction when his prophecy comes true.  

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