Marku: Benn chooses bad opponents with bad records


Count Florian Marku among those not impressed by Conor Benn’s professional record or choice in opponents. While Benn is lined up to face Samuel Vargas this weekend, Marku dismisses Benn as a cherry picker who is carefully selecting opponents to hide his deficiencies. Talking to Sky Sports, Marku made his position very clear.

“I knew he would not fight me in his next two or three fights because he chooses bad opponents with bad records,” undefeated Marku told Sky Sports. “Sebastian Formella had a good record but he was not a strong puncher. Vargas is not a good opponent. He has lost to all the good names and has never won against anyone with a good record.”

Marku would continue by saying that Benn will never fight an opponent who doesn’t have losses on the record, also adding that it’s easy for Benn to pick on journeymen fighters to build up his record.

But if that’s not enough, Marku comes straight out to say that Benn has a ‘glass chin’ and that since his tough fight against Cedrick Peynaud he’s deliberately steered himself away from fighters who pack a punch. Whether or not Marku has a point, Benn still has an opponent in front of him that he’ll have to deal with in the ring. That said, it’s obvious Marku wouldn’t mind being the one opposite Benn.

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