Was Floyd Mayweather ever better than the night he trounced Diego Corrales?


Floyd Mayweather
Floyd Mayweather drops Diego Corrales five times to score emphatic victory

January 20, 2001; MGM Grand, Las Vegas, NV
DIEGO CORRALES’ post-fight complaint that his fight with Floyd Mayweather was stopped too soon even though he’d been dropped five times seemed like hot air. The pair of them didn’t like each other much, with Corrales writing the word ‘kill’ under images of Floyd he’d affixed to various punchbags. “A champ should finish the fight as long as keeps getting up,” Diego said afterwards. “My head was clear. I worked damned hard for this fight.” But Mayweather was brilliant, perhaps more so than ever. Corrales struggled to land a telling blow, Mayweather in contrast couldn’t miss. “I kept getting up, I should have been allowed to finish the fight,” Corrales grumbled. Four years later he got up twice against Jose Luis Castillo to score a miraculous victory. But against Mayweather, he never stood a chance.

DID YOU KNOW? Corrales was struggling to boil his 6ft frame down to 130lbs. Little surprise considering his walkaround weight was frequently just over 160lbs.

WATCH OUT FOR: Floyd Mayweather at his best.

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